Protesyn is a high-quality foliar carbohydrate, amino acid and protein product designed to assist in strong plant growth and assisting in converting amino acids and nitrogen into full mature proteins allowing for a strong plant leading to better ballroll and disease resistance. The product can and is very beneficial to be applied during the entire active growing season.
COMPATIBILITY: Protesyn is compatible with most systemic fungicides and other foliar products. Always advisable to use a standard jar test to check compatibility before mixing in the large sprayer especially if you have hard water.
APPLICATION: Apply using a sprayer that allows you to spray with a fine mist. The total spray volume (water + products) should be between 300-350 liters/ha. Do not use irrigation or rainfall three (3) hours after application.
DOSAGE: On greens, foregreens and tees apply 10-20 liters/ha every 7-21 days or based upon needs.
PACKAGING: Case 2 x 10 liters.
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